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Medicine isn't black and white in the real world. Logic frameworks save you time, and save lives. This can be a high stress job. Navigating it and being a leader pays off. Here's how, onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download. Emails, calls, manners, and more. The little things can make your life that much easier.

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Med school is the hardest four years of your life ok, maybe not the 2nd half of the 4th year and no one else gets it except those that went through it. But the thing is, it gets even harder once you're in residency. Your program will put you through a check-list orientation, but a lot more is expected of you.

It will be mentally and physically debilitating. You're going to have to be as efficient and effective as possible to not only survive but thrive and become the doctor you want to be. That's why I'm here. I'll tell you what your program can't - the unspoken, unwritten rules of residency that every one will judge you on. I'll teach you what you need to be efficient, productive, and happier in medicine. Your residency will be the hardest thing you've ever done and ever will do.

But start with the right tools, methods and workflows, and it might just be the best experience of your life. Let's do it! Viewing or downloading Notes, Audio Files, or Whiteboard Graphics will affect your monthly file access quota. We recently conducted a survey of our user base, asking for feedback on OnlineMedEd.

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So what is this bootcamp and how will it help you? Williams explains as you take the next step in your career. Perfect Practice Practicing the wrong way makes you good at doing it the wrong way. Learn how to practice the right way so you get to your best self quicker. Show up prepared on Day 1 of residency. Prepare for intern year by doing the OME content in your specialty. YOU Maintain and balance stress, emotions, and residency, onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download.

Also Available Our Exclusive Intern Guide Tips to make you a better leader, onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download, advice to make you a better person, and notes to make you a better doctor! Keep it close! Printed to fit in your white coat. Buy Now. Let's get started We've categorized onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download intern bootcamp into the sections below.

Introduction Welcome to the show Understand the why and how behind this onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download as Dustyn prepares you for success.

Introduction to our Intern Bootcamp and how to use it. No one holds your hand after orientation. Prepare for intern year by doing the OME content in your specialty again, onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download, with this specific approach to ensure you have the foundation of knowledge you'll need to thrive and grow during residency.

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect. Dustyn shares his own view on Malcom Gladwell's "10, hours" - the amount of time it takes to be an expert at something - and links it to residency training. The most important lesson of all is that if you train something the wrong way, you get really good at being bad. Practice does not make perfect, onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download.

Perfect Practice makes perfect. And this course is designed to give you the tools, the experience, and the wisdom needed to start perfect practice from the start. Bureaucracy Learn the team hierarchy and your role Know the unwritten rules and expectations your attendings have of you.

Learn the roles, play your part. Learn the MD team hierarchy and learn your place. We want to create a "no-blame culture for patient safety" we do but there's more to it than that.

You don't know what your residents are doing, and you certainly don't know what your attendings are doing. Knowing your role on the team, learning the expectations, what you can do, should do, and should not do will help you fit in. Learn what "Duty Hours" actually mean, why they came about, and hear all the things a program actually wants to tell you but can't. Time Management Prioritize tasks with a common value: patient care Having these lessons down will lessen your burden and make the load manageable.

Prioritize tasks with a common value: patient care. Urgent things are things other people want done. Important things are things you want done. Learn to prioritize requests and tasks, but also learn how to say "no," or "I'll get to that later" the right way. More advanced prioritization based on the time it takes to get something done.

More than Urgent and Important, some tasks take time to complete turkeysand others have specific times windows where they are more likely to be done faster. Maximize time management by ordering tests, consults, and procedures when no one else is, and early, so that you can do other tasks while the "Turkey Cooks, onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download.

The book that manages your patients, day to day, that expedites decision making, note writing, and decision making. The essential tool for tracking patients in the hospital day to day, onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download. Cultivated over Dustyn's residency, this is the final product that he used and uses as an attending to maximize efficiency, to plan his day, to identify trends, and to have it all in your pocket without a 3-minute onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download time every time you want to look something up.

The daily tool that makes sure everything gets done for the day, and helps remind you today what you did yesterday. Forgetting to do something may be obnoxious AM labs or catastrophic changing antibiotics. To-Do Lists keep sanity to your day, ensure that nothing gets missed, allows for communication between residents, and is a tool that Dustyn used through residency and still uses today as an attending.

Learn how to build them, use them properly, and the tips and tricks that maximize their utility.

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OnlineMedEd: The MUST HAVE Tool For Residency!

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Onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download

onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download

7/1/ · As a young intern, there will be times when you feel lost. You have to realize early on that you’re a part of something much bigger than yourself. You’re surrounded by diligent and compassionate colleagues that share your goal of helping those in need. All in all, if you remember this and utilize your teammates, you’ll prosper as an intern. Onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download. I found OME because I was passionate about changing medical education for the better. OME does the greatest job at teaching core knowledge to students, onlinemeded intern guide pdf free download. I have gone to multiple other study resources, but OME does it better than anyone else. intern-guide-onlinemeded 1/5 PDF Drive - Search and download PDF files for free. Intern Guide Onlinemeded intern guide onlinemeded Intern Guide - OnlineMedEd Intern Guide Table of Contents 0 Prologue a Introduction and disclaimer 2 b OnlineMedEd Story 3 c Tier 1 Knowledge = Topics for intern year 6 d On Call Pearls 7.

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